Executive Search & Advisory is a comprehensive advisory service for filling management positions and narrowly defined expert level positions that require a high degree of specialist knowledge and extensive experience.
We understand that growing a business is about experience, drive and determination of people who run it.
We know the right contacts to help you grow your business.
We want to make sure you can protect your people and your business.
Get ready for the journey of cultivating your employer brand that’ll change over time.
Be an attractive employer to the best people on the market.
Find out where your employer brand currently stands.
Employer branding is currently the hottest trend in Human Resource Management. Authentic and relevant branding has a real effect on the performance of every company.
We give you the opportunity to build your career and spend your professional life in the place that’s right for you.
Be curious.
Životopis je jeden z najdôležitejších dokumentov človeka.
Pripravte sa na stretnutie, ktoré môže zmeniť váš život.
Od 23.3. sme sa stali súčasťou iniciatívy www.ktopomozeslovenskusk spolu s ľuďmi ako je Lucia Pašková, ktorá stojí za značkou CURAPROX, Šimon a Lucia Šickovci z Pixel Federation, Janka Bargerová z FTRNW, Michaela Benedigová zo SEESAME Communicatio a ďalší. Pracujeme na tom, aby sme spolu zvládli pandémiu koronavírusu.
Prečo to robíme? Lebo všetkého je nedostatok. Pomáhame slovenským zdravotníckym zariadeniam zvládnuť pandémiu koronavírusu cez prehľadný systém financovania a zabezpečenia materiálnej pomoci pre nemocnice a domovy sociálnych služieb. Dalibor Slávik v iniciatíve a zastrešuje výrobu a distribúciu ochranných štítov do nemocníc po celom Slovensku.
O pomoc môžu žiadať všetky zdravotnícke zariadenia — štátne aj súkromné, ktoré sa starajú o pacientov nakazených koronavírusom. Rovnako tiež domovy sociálnych služieb a zariadenia pre seniorov, ako aj samosprávy a organizácie poskytujúce starostlivosť o zraniteľné skupiny obyvateľstva.
SLÁVIK & STELL- Executive Search & Advisory is a company specialising in human capital consulting and employer branding. We understand that growing a business is about experience, drive and determination of people who run it. We wish to see the growth and people build their long term careers and their lives at the right place. We’re a small company doing great things.
Reliability, Integrity, Professionalism, Partnership and Respect
We love quality roasted coffee, which is also appreciated by the people we meet with. Feel free to try it in our office!
Cukrova 14, 811 08 Bratislava
+ 421 903 556 237
IČO: 43 840 698
DIČ: SK 2022502339
CEO pre Junior Achievement Slovensko (pro bono zadanie)
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